Getting datasets in AMDA

Import the necessary packages and create a amdapy.amda.AMDA object.

from amdapy.amda import AMDA
amda = AMDA()

Parameter data

If you know the id of the desired parameter and the time period you are intersted in then you can get data with the following

parameter_obj = amda.get("solo_b_rtn_hr", "2020-07-23T16:00:00", "2020-07-24T06:00:00")
Parameter (id:solo_b_rtn_hr, name:b_rtn, units:nT, shape: (403206, 3))

If the id does not correspond to any object in AMDA (dataset of parameter) then a None is returned.

print(amda.get("abc", "2000-01-01T00:00:00", "2000-02-01T00:00:00"))

The parameter_obj returned by AMDA.get allows you to access the data as a pandas.core.frame.DataFrame object through its data attribute.

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
b_rtn_br b_rtn_bt b_rtn_bn
count 403206.000000 403206.000000 403206.000000
mean 1.587354 -1.511776 -0.038760
std 3.381337 2.306069 1.770018
min -5.752000 -6.531000 -6.343000
25% -0.028000 -2.891000 -0.894000
50% 2.854000 -1.485000 -0.215000
75% 4.189750 0.139000 0.817000
max 6.737000 4.379000 5.294000

Parameter data is indexed by time and implements the bracket operator so that the following are equivalent.

b_rtn_br b_rtn_bt b_rtn_bn
2020-07-23 16:00:00.084 -0.931 -5.683 -0.183
2020-07-23 16:00:00.207 -0.956 -5.637 -0.196
2020-07-23 16:00:00.334 -0.956 -5.609 -0.336


As with parameters, datasets in AMDA have a unique :data:id that you will need in order to access the datasets contents and description.

Parameter and dataset descriptions can be retrieved by using the AMDA.collection.find method. It return a description of the target, by does not contain data.

parameter_description = amda.collection.find("solo_b_rtn_hr")
print("Dataset id : {}".format(parameter_description.dataset_id))
Parameter item (id:solo_b_rtn_hr, name:b_rtn, units:nT, disp:timeseries, dataset:so-mag-rtnhr, n:3)
Dataset id : so-mag-rtnhr

In this example the parameter was taken from the so-mag-rtnhr dataset. Passing the description to the AMDA.get method will download the corresponding item (dataset or parameter)

dataset_description = amda.collection.find("so-mag-rtnhr")
dataset= amda.get(dataset_description)
Dataset item (id:so-mag-rtnhr, name:0.1 sec : rtn, global_start:2020-04-15 00:00:00, global_stop:2020-12-31 23:59:59, n_param:3)
        Parameter item (id:solo_b_rtn_hr, name:b_rtn, units:nT, disp:timeseries, dataset:so-mag-rtnhr, n:3)
        Parameter item (id:solo_b_rtn_hr_tot, name:|b|, units:nT, disp:timeseries, dataset:so-mag-rtnhr, n:1)
        Parameter item (id:solo_b_rtn_hr_qf, name:quality, units:None, disp:timeseries, dataset:so-mag-rtnhr, n:1)
Dataset (id:so-mag-rtnhr, start:2020-04-15 00:00:00.233000, stop:2020-04-15 23:59:59.937000, n_param:3)
        Parameter (id:solo_b_rtn_hr, name:b_rtn, units:nT, shape: (691175, 3))
        Parameter (id:solo_b_rtn_hr_tot, name:|b|, units:nT, shape: (691175,))
        Parameter (id:solo_b_rtn_hr_qf, name:quality, units:None, shape: (691175,))

Datasets are simply a collection of timeseries. The parameters attribute allows you to iterate over the datasets parameters. For example print the parameter names and units :

for param in dataset.parameters:
    print(, param.units)
b_rtn nT
|b| nT
quality None

Note that the full dataset can be viewed through the data attribute. The dataframe is a concatenation of all parameters in the dataset. In the case of parameters with multiple components, each individual component is stored as a column in the resulting dataframe.

b_rtn_br b_rtn_bt b_rtn_bn |b| quality
count 691039.000000 691039.000000 691039.000000 691036.000000 691175.000000
mean -2.703336 2.789612 -0.575033 4.936804 2.759170
std 1.704028 1.899304 1.650740 0.533450 0.427588
min -6.259000 -4.879000 -6.117000 1.330000 2.000000
25% -3.904000 2.191000 -1.633000 4.605000 3.000000
50% -3.142000 3.277000 -0.600000 4.944000 3.000000
75% -1.732000 4.046000 0.341000 5.261000 3.000000
max 3.671000 6.130000 5.437000 6.628000 3.000000

Access individual parameters by name using the bracket operator dataset[<param_name>] : * if param_name corresponds to a parameter name then return a Parameter object * if param_name corresponds to one of the columns then return the column as a pandas.core.frame.DataFrame object

for param in dataset.parameters:
for cn in
    print("{} -> type:{}".format(cn,type(dataset[cn])))
<class 'amdapy.amda.Parameter'>
<class 'amdapy.amda.Parameter'>
<class 'amdapy.amda.Parameter'>
b_rtn_br -> type:<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>
b_rtn_bt -> type:<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>
b_rtn_bn -> type:<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>
|b| -> type:<class 'amdapy.amda.Parameter'>
quality -> type:<class 'amdapy.amda.Parameter'>


Just for convenience plot a parameter with the Parameter.plot method :

for param in dataset.parameters:
[ ]: